New Artist Spotlight: Jace Everett
By Gary Voorhies

Epic Records' new artist Jace Everett wrote or co-wrote six of the 10 songs on his self-titled debut album to be released later this year.

"I think it's really interesting how half of the songs are about just having a good time with no remorse. The other half seems to be about growing up and trying to redeem yourself from your past. I can definitely say this is an honest record from top to bottom," Everett said of the project, which was produced by Mark Wright and Greg Droman.

The singer has had a varied career. "I've been a ditch digger, framer, photographer, truck washer, mover, waiter, bartender, bus boy, dump truck driver and bobcat operator," he said. "All to help me keep playing music at night."

Everett is proficient on bass, guitar, keyboards and harmonica. "I played bass for other singers for so many years that I learned all styles of music, not just Country," he said. Everett's musical influences range from Willie and Waylon to Bob Marley, Ray Charles, Joe Cocker, Radney Foster "and a million other people."

Everett has visited much of the world. He has a son, Jacques, who lives in Monaco. "We talk almost daily and spend about three months out of the year together." Ask Everett about his home, however, and he is clear. He said his birthplace is "Evansville, Ind., but I grew up in Texas. I consider myself a born again Texan. I was lost, but now am found." 


If you could go back in time what year/era would you visit and why? 
"The final days of Jesus. I'd love to hang out with him and the disciples and see the whole story firsthand."

What song do you wish you had written?
"'Sunday Morning Coming Down,' 'Blue Eyes Cryin' In the Rain,' or maybe just the next Kenny Chesney single."

What moment in your life would you relive if you could?
"I would undo the first time I smoked a cigarette. I would relive, happily, the first time I heard my son give a true belly laugh. He was about four months old and it's still the most beautiful sound I've ever heard."

What kind of album, other than Country, would you like to make? 
"Probably a soul/blues album. I'd love to get the horns in there, you know, just way over the top."

If you wrote an autobiography, what would the title be?
"Look What I Almost Stepped In by Jace Everett."

Who is your dream duet partner?
"Bonnie Raitt - I love her music and attitude and we'd probably sound good together."

When they look back on your life in 50 years, what do you hope people say about you? 
"That I got better with each record and each tour and they can't wait to see me play that night!"

What does Country Music mean to you?

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